Monday, August 10, 2009

A Quiet Day at Home

Aidan's request for today was that we have an "inside" day (meaning a quiet day at home). It was our first "inside" day in two months and much needed. Aidan enjoyed playing with toys he has missed or hasn't had the energy for in a while. We had a nice first half of the day playing with Legos, trains (the sets in the loft), the castle, and cars. We briefly were in the house corner (see picture of Aidan driving over to my house). Mixed in we did some toy organizing as our inventory is getting out of control! Then Aidan was tired so he moved onto even quieter activities of books, videos and computer.

Another few days and we should be mostly caught up and settled in. Aidan may rebound more gradually this time as his body and spirit are still healing. (Supposedly blood counts return to normal levels more slowly after radiation than after chemo especially in a case like Aidan's where his bone marrow has already been through a lot of chemo .) He remains thin, anemic, and easily tired. On the good side, his nausea is largely resolved (still with meds), and we have begun his fentanyl taper. And bonus... with the fentanyl taper his appetite has improved!

Aidan is eager to reconnect with friends and is looking forward to his Grand Day out of the Hospital/ 5th BAA-thday Party.

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